Monday, June 22, 2009


The top is a picture of Trumann at three months old and the bottom is a picture of Maxxwell at three months old. Do they look alike?

Tru 3 months old

Trumann is three months old. He loves to suck on his hands and smiles all the time. Maxxwell is 20 months old and is running the show. I am over the moon in love my boys.

girl's night out

A much needed girl’s night out. We played games and talked until way past my bedtime.

Totally GQ

This picture was taken by my sister-in-law, Amber. It was a perfect snapshot on a perfect day. Maxxwell looks totally GQ.

baby doll stroller

Maxxwell loves to push around his stuffed animals in this doll stroller. He finally got us to let him push Trumann.